Mary's Peppermint Muffins

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If you are anything like me you CRAVE sweets because let's be honest .... you have a sweet tooth.  No Shame here. I made these over the weekend because I REALLY wanted chocolate and I love peppermint ... especially during the chilly weather. This is one treat that no one has to feel guilty about and the best part it only took about 5 minutes to prep. I popped all the ingredients into my Ninja blended right up and then they went into the oven. Super Simple!

A must try for the Christmas Holiday for yourself and the family.  Promise no-one will ever guess that they are eating black beans!

Kid approved, even my picky eater Makayla said, "Mom I really love these muffins ... can I have just onnnnnnnnnnnnnne more." =D

Indulge a little this time <3

1 Can of Black Beans, drained and rinsed.
3 large eggs
½ cup raw honey
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp. baking soda
3 Tbsp. coconut oil, melted
3-4 drops of do TERRA Peppermint or ½ tsp. pure peppermint extract
1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
2. Prepare 12 muffin cups by lining with muffin papers or coating with nonstick cooking spray; set aside.
3. Place chickpeas, eggs, honey, cocoa powder, baking soda, coconut oil, and extract in blender or food processor; cover. Blend until smooth.
4. Place batter in a medium bowl.
5. Divide batter among 12 prepared muffin cups.
6. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
7. Cool completely and enjoy!

The beginning of HAMMER & Chisel

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The beginning of a New and FUN journey ... <3

I started HAMMER & Chisel last week and I have to share I NEEDED this change. I was watching my body maintain weight,  but I needed to TONE and Strong is Sexy.  I was getting bored and after seeing a plateau in my upper  body strength I was prepared to step it up! My transformation pictures were not changing and this momma was in for a SERIOUS wake up call.

I said "YES"
I decided December was my new January!

My first week in my Master Program ... I have made it a priority to stay very hydrated ... it is just SO important to keep my body loaded with water and not caffeine. I want to keep everything flushing and moving. And I know that this time of year we are faced with more sweets and I just do not want to give into those triggers. I want to be confident in my own skin.

Last Monday was Day # 1 and from the very first workout I was hurting and burning in places where I had no idea I could. My butt, upper back, arms, shoulders and calves ... LOL ... Just about all over!  I was shocked to think I even could build muscle in some of the areas of pain.  EEEeeeEEEeee  ... but all Good-Hurt-Pain! This was working and I felt the impact within the first 24 hours!

Nutrition is a HUGE part of this program and eating Clean is a Must! Over the week I was constantly feeling hungry or like I needed to snack. This was NEW! I was following my 21 Day Fix Meal plan, but maybe it was not enough.  ANNNNND then my package finally arrived with the HAMMER & Chisel Meal Plan.  "Big Difference" I will be following this meal plan to a TEE this week.

Stay tuned I will be sharing weekly updates and transformations as I go!
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Are you ready for your OWN JOURNEY ? 

It took me 14 months to say YES ... Don't make my same mistake. 
This is BIG ... this is BEAUTIFUL ... I am in the LIFE changing business. I serve others, create new beginnings and witness real life GROWTH. 
It means more than just a number... It means you have a TRIBE and you love them HARD ... and you live Fearlessly. 
Whether you have financial goals, personal fitness goals or DREAMS that you want to come TRUE ... Can I tell you something, ANYTHING is possible ... YOU have to believe that. Coaching is like no other career option I have ever experience in the past. Be brave and check it out ... you will become your best YOU.
I am looking for 5 Passionate driven Ladies who have a FIRE underneath them and are ready to BEGIN 2016 like no other. It is time to let it OUT!! Are you Hungry? Do you want MORE? 
Then I am talking to You.
This can be for ANYONE … it is not a ‘Cookie Cutter’ kind of opportunity. I will be kicking off January with a Rock-Star Squad where I give you everything you need to build a Team of your own and live your Dream. This is a process of one on one training. Moments that we will DIG DEEP and work HARD ... 

For those who are ready and want to ignite their future ... say YES to 2016. Contact me or Comment Below … and say yes to 'Your New Best YOU' heart emoticon


3 Day Refresh Review Post Thanksgiving 2015

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I have to stop and share because this past 3-DAY Refresh really took my body to the NEXT Level.

It made me Push Harder than ever before.
It made me MORE disciplined
It made me depend on my TEAM daily for support and accountability.

Immediately following Thanksgiving Holiday I weighed in at 134.5 and for me this is pretty much my body max. Anything over that weight tends to go straight into my belly. After having 4 babies my skin has been stretched a lot and it just becomes more challenging to tone. I have a love for Ab's! During our family vacation for Thanksgiving I was craving sweets and I was eating more than the portion size that was healthy for me. Wine had been a dessert for a few days too!

Day #1 I suffered from a headache and sugar cleanse. I felt more hungry on day one than any other day. One thing I decided not to do was workout ... because I knew it would burn even more calories. My Dinner choice was a mixed cucumber and tomato salad with a bowel of vegetable broth. Soooooo delicious! Before I went to sleep I did cuddle up into bed with a hot green tea. <3

Day #2 I felt much better. In the morning waking up to my Shakeology it was more than enough to help me get through the start of the day. After my fiber sweep everything was moving through my digestive system and I was feeling lighter. Life was GRAND! During the day my snacks were more than enough for satisfaction. My evening Dinner was vegetable broth and asparagus. My husband and my 17 year old daughter love asparagus so this is a normal vegetable that everyone could enjoy!

Day #3 I started the day with my full glass of water, black coffee and Shakeology ... I was feeling GOOD and I had the finish line in sight! I WAS DETERMINED! My snacks of bananas, blueberries, celery and peppers were more than enough!  During the past three days I chose to have a lot of avocado for my healthy fat because I can have so much more and it is just heaven to me.  "Totally addicted to avocado!" =D Dinner was a spinach salad and I enjoyed it with extra vegetables added on top. Late night dessert was green tea.

Looking back you can see how every meal mattered, each snack was counted and WATER impacted my results more than anything.  I was  NEVER without ice water and it truly helped me not feel as hungry throughout the day. I had to really think about driving my BODY into the direction that I wanted it to go.

I wanted to push myself and grow during this 3 day cleanse ... and I knew it was going to be HARD but then I discovered change comes from the DOING  - - - I had to BELIEVE that I could accomplish my own personal goals ... and I did.

After 3 days ... -7 pounds and - 4.25 inches. (Inches were lost from Arms, Thighs and my Hips.)

What are your personal goals for 2016?

Are you ready to "BELIVE" that 2016 can and will be Your best YOU?!?!?!



Something from the Heart

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We all have a SO WHAT. 

Something that I am asked so often, “Where did you go to school?” 

This started years ago … as far as 2006 … and it still happens. When I started to be asked this over and over again .. it was when I first started dating Mike and he was taking me to events with other Doctors and other Important people in the community. 
We were a new couple and I was excited to get all dressed up and go out on dates … because I am an OUTGOING GIRL and I love meeting new people. 
But I was approached with a simple question that became a common question and I was being asked over and over again. I can’t really explain how it felt to feel like, “I wasn’t enough” … other than it was painful. And it’s not that I didn’t think I was worthy, but to be honest I felt Less Important. 
I felt like I made a mistake. 
I had NEVER heard of the “SO WHAT” theory of just saying that out-loud and believing that it is true … “SO WHAT” 
I wish I would have said ...
So what I am a high school graduate
So what I am a single mom
So what I work for Corporate America
So what I work at Carrabbas 3 – 4 nights a week
So what I am pretty
So what I am dating a Doctor. 
I heard something yesterday and I believe it is TRUE … If you go out into the world and start BELEIVING what everyone else says about you … soon it will become your REALITY.… it is only REAL when you start believing it is true. 
If you hear ... 
“Your not READY”
“Your not gorgeous enough”
“Oh, Your Single”
“You don’t have enough money for that.”
“You are too Young."
WHO might you be … if you did not HIDE behind your story? 
What is your SO WHAT ? 
Can I challenge you to say “SO WHAT” the next time someone says, YOU are not enough and let it go. Allow yourself to be FREE heart emoticon Scream it OUT heart emoticon

"Clean Eat with ME"

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Make your HOME feel GOOD in the Kitchen and in the Bedroom too. heart emoticon
Discovering the Right way to eat clean and not starve yourself or Diet.
Busy women ... I got you Covered. 
Sweets ... I got you Covered.
NO TIME ... YES got you Covered. 
---> JOIN The Ultimate - 5 DAYS of Clean Eating < ---
Right from the comfort of your own HOME.
ONE on ONE accountability and REAL Results.
I SHARE my personal Healthy Habits and how I have kept my BABY Weight off for 14 months. 
Plus Meal Planing 101
SLOW Cooker Large Family Options
*Limited SPOTS* ... Comment below "ADD ME" or Private message me if you want more information. 
This is going to be BUTT KICKING Awesomeness!!!!

A delicious side to make for ANY future event!

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Gorgeous and Fresh

I prepared this dish for Thanksgiving and it was totally a 5 STAR review in Taste and in Presentation. The fresh squash and cranberries were not only eye catching, but it was SO delicious. And after adding in the sweet honey and fresh feta I could not get enough! 

My mom and sister were even a little nervous because it seemed just a little too "CLEAN" for the Thanksgiving traditional dinner, but they enjoyed it! 

I did end up going back for seconds and there was barely any left. This is also one of those recipes that are "true" to their serving size.  
The recipe is really simple and feel free to follow it exactly for 6 adults. 
(I will admit that this was not a favorite for the kids.)  

So I will be creating this again ... and again! Not only is it NEW and CLEAN,
 but the 2 Step Bake Process
made it very easy to prepare and not become overwhelmed or take up too much oven space. 

My little tip would be to add the correct amount of Honey and to add in a little Extra Feta Cheese.  

I LOVE cheese and the Feta really makes it POP ... You will not be disappointed! 


(You can find the complete ingredients and recipe under Eat Clean Recipes) 


A Mom of a Different Color.

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Yesterday, I had one of those "Ahhhh Haaaaa" moments where I had to take a step back and look at how FAR I have come in my health journey.

To be proud of ME as a Mom, Woman and Wife.

I always encourage my ladies to live in the moment and to believe that BABY steps are important.
A step forward no matter the size, shape or timing ... counts ... they all count. Then yesterday in my kitchen while I was washing these Grapes and washing the Apples and preparing this platter ... I just smiled. This was a step! And, this step took me over a year to make .... Kinda Wild!

I have become a healtheir Mom.
This would not have happened 365 days ago.
I was putting fear of judgement from others behind me.
This was the real MARY.

One of my Daughters had a Thanksgiving Feast yesterday and I needed to bring in a side dish for the class. Normally, I would always opt to bring in something super cute and loaded with sugar. A sweet gooey treat, because I knew the kids would go crazy and LOVE it. Yessssss....... even though I married a Dentist.  =D

However, this time I took a different path. FRUIT was my TREAT this year. Why Not ?

I decided to prepare fruit that I knew kids who were 4 and 5 years of age ... really enjoyed. I went to Publix picked out 2 colors of grapes, grabbed a bag of Macintosh Apples and set them on a platter to make my own CREATION.

I arrived to the party, nervous and of course 5 minutes late. (This Momma is always 5 minutes late ...  LOL) My emotions felt like they were flashing on my shoulders, but they weren't .. that was just in my head. I was nervous that my daughter would be super UPSET that I did not have cookies, brownies or cake. But NOPE, she ran up to me ... gave me a Huge Hug and said,  "Momma ... I love you and I want purple grapes please."  LOL ... true story!

All this worry, fear and a little anxiety ... over a fruit platter. But this is the truth. My true emotions.

As I carried my big round platter, knelt down to each child and offered them apples or grapes ... my fear started to disappear. In fact my confidence grew. One by one each child was making their selection. To my surprise, truthfully the Apples went SUPER fast, and the grapes were almost gone. FYI ... Purple Grapes WON!

So the fear of being that boring mom, the healthy crunchy mom or the Beachbody Mom has passed.

I am still 100% normal and I still struggle with the fear of judgement.  But, above ALL I know this is the real me ... this is a lifestyle change and it has poured into the lives of my entire family. At the end of the day I have one person to answer to ... and I know HE has my back.

You just be YOU ... and believe in You.

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So NOW is the time to change my life … baby steps and in such a small - small - space … 6 by 8 to be exact  =D 
grin emoticon
30 minutes a day to SWEAT … to focus … on Me – To grow – To become a Stronger Woman … To let go of the Stress and or All of things we can't change .. but see what I CAN Change.

I can find a 1,000 reasons to NOT focus on it … or just … FOCUS on it and Fit it in. Tough love 4 Meeeeee <3 heart emoticon
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A place to be Motivated, Inspired and Given the Support YOU Need to Reach Your Goals. 

This is little 5 Year Old Nypon, who lives in Indonesia.
He is one of four in his family and he lives with his Mother and Father. His responsibilities at home include running errands. He does not attend school because he is too young. He LOVES Soccer and playing Group Games.He also attends church on a regular basis.
Team IGNITE is going to end the year a little different this time. At the end of our 3 week December, "Compassion Support and Accountability Group" our TEAM will vote on how WE can Serve Nypon.
During the month of December - Every Inch lost is Equal to One Dollar - $1
Your LOSS is his GAIN.
Truly in a GREAT--Life Changing way!
Some of Nypon's needs Include:
Dental Care
Water Wells
Sports Camps
Safe Water for Life
Sewing Workshops
I believe with ALL my heart we can help him ... and for the month of December it is far GREATER than just OUR Goals and Success Stories, but giving far beyond what we could IMAGINE.

Grab your SNEAKERS in December, Let's work TOGETHER on a Plan for you and Kick Start your Clean Eating. Your support and love will give him the assistance he needs to grow and be nourished. And please remember Nypon in your prayers.

Contact me and or Complete my Application <3 <3 <3 <3

Old Fashion Berry Oats

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Breakfast is by far my FAVORITE meal of the day.  I have always loved breakfast and while growing up in a large family with 5 other siblings ... it was just the 'norm' to sit down at a Long Table and for everyone to eat and watch cartoons together. Oh the morning stories I could share ... LOL!

I remember those mornings when my Mom would cook Oatmeal .. you know the good old fashion oats and it was just DELICIOUS.  She always made it the right temperature, right texture and added in just the right amount of raisins and brown sugar.  It was PERFECT! I finished every BITE!

So now as a Momma to 4 kiddos at home I have gone back to my roots and have started to SLOW DOWN and cook oats in the morning ... the good ole fashion kind.

Now just a little different and just a little healthier.

I have to admit I have come a LONG ways from how I have always doctored up my oats. I really never understood how brown sugar impacted my insides. Or how raisins just didn't digest well with me.

So after 1 year of preparing my morning Oats with all the heavier sugar options ... it is a GOOD feeling to share a picture of where I am now with my Oat journey.

Morning Berry Oats; fresh blueberries, fresh raspberries and a small teaspoon of honey.

All this time I never thought I would be able to give up brown sugar, raisins and dried fruit ... SERIOUSLY ... I was hooked. But, I have made progress ... baby steps ... make all the difference in the world.

Patience and Persistence is the key .. This is by far one of my favorite breakfast choices. <3

Quiet Time

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Today was one of those Mondays where I just need to ESCAPE and calm the brain. As a Mom it is SO easy to get wrapped up and over-whelmed with the home chores. It is so normal to feel that way about laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, errands, pet-care, birthday planning and maybe even dinner.

Today I was reminded while listening to my personal development to remember to CARVE out that ME TIME.

Moms are allowed to do that ... <3

From 15 minutes to even 30 minutes in your busy - day it is so important to find a little quiet time. For me it normally looks like running, sweating or even just stretching my body.

I also LOVE waking up early before the kids roll out of their beds. When my alarm goes off at 5:15 I get to wash my face alone. Then I can enjoy reading the Bible, or the book I am reading. Being alone and just sipping on my hot coffee in a comfy chair ... curled up with a blanket. It just feels like the perfect way to start a new day.

I took this picture ... while waiting at a doctors for some test results. I needed to breathe I really needed some fresh air. After I held this pose and closed my eyes I walked around the golf course and felt a lot lighter. The sun on my face and the wind blowing my hair was so relaxing. I felt like my mind was clearer and my shoulders were lighter.

So I wanted to share this little moment ... creating some quiet time is WONDERFUL tool to help keep you moving. Calming the brain is a healthy exercise.

Stretch - Pause - Exhale


Hi! I'm Mary!

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 Hi and WELCOME to my Story.

I'm so happy you've stopped by and I can't wait to share with you a little glance into my life. As a Mom to four children and a wife to a busy Husband, I understand LIFE can feel full ... overwhelming ... or just too busy.

I hope I can shine a little light on how I seek to find that precious balance each and every day.

I know what it's like to feel overwhelmed by trying to start a new healthy lifestyle. After my fourth baby, was born I could no longer get a grip of TIME or much less Life. I actually had control over nothing. I felt overwhelmed and I felt lost. After sometime of denial I realized I was going through post-partum depression. And, going into such a dark place where nothing felt comfortable from my clothes to my home and just looking into the mirror. I was not happy and I needed a CHANGE ... I did not even recognize who I was.

During that pregnancy I had gained 52 pounds and I needed to get it off. I needed to sweat it off and I needed to learn a new system as a stay at home mom. I did not know anything about clean eating and I was worried it would be too hard. I had always enjoyed working out and feeling that deep burn or sweat dripping down my stomach. However, the story of my life prior was ... I was a GYM Girl.

At this season in my life I could not afford a Gym, a Sitter for those hours or create a health plan with consistency. So after a long year of one of my Girlfriends asking me to be in a Challenge Group with her and to push play on a T-25 and drink Shakeology daily ... I finally said, "Yes"!

Within the first week I felt different ... my mind, body and soul was transforming. ALL from working out in my guest room and finally discovering that the Healthiest Meal of the day was a Shake. It was WILD!  The support and positive motivation from my on-line Challenge Group was Life Changing. I did not feel alone ... but I felt connected to New Friends. I was being pushed by women who were living in another STATE or another CITY,  but we were reaching for the same goal.

"A Healthier ME."

Let me tell you - I could not be here today if I didn't have those bad days! They became my motivation to DO BETTER and to FEEL BETTER! I had to BELIEVE I could do it and I did! After four months with T-25 and Shakeology ... I lost my baby weight and I had found "MARY" again.

Today one of my greatest passions in life is to help others and give back to the community - to share the knowledge that I've learned. I truly want to help you get started. Sometimes that can look completely different for one person verse another. Remember life is about taking one step at a time.

Momma on the GO!

Everyones first day looks different but, we ALL have a first day! The moment where our MIND shifts into an entirely new direction because you commit to a NEW YOU.  It is scary and it is over-whelming ... but you do not have to be alone ... let's do this TOGETHER.

Become your biggest fan! Make a commitment to yourself that says - I want to live a healthier life!
I want my family to live a healthier life! And, I want to do it right and MAKE IT STICK!

Let Go, Dream Big and Laugh Often!
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