Something from the Heart

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We all have a SO WHAT. 

Something that I am asked so often, “Where did you go to school?” 

This started years ago … as far as 2006 … and it still happens. When I started to be asked this over and over again .. it was when I first started dating Mike and he was taking me to events with other Doctors and other Important people in the community. 
We were a new couple and I was excited to get all dressed up and go out on dates … because I am an OUTGOING GIRL and I love meeting new people. 
But I was approached with a simple question that became a common question and I was being asked over and over again. I can’t really explain how it felt to feel like, “I wasn’t enough” … other than it was painful. And it’s not that I didn’t think I was worthy, but to be honest I felt Less Important. 
I felt like I made a mistake. 
I had NEVER heard of the “SO WHAT” theory of just saying that out-loud and believing that it is true … “SO WHAT” 
I wish I would have said ...
So what I am a high school graduate
So what I am a single mom
So what I work for Corporate America
So what I work at Carrabbas 3 – 4 nights a week
So what I am pretty
So what I am dating a Doctor. 
I heard something yesterday and I believe it is TRUE … If you go out into the world and start BELEIVING what everyone else says about you … soon it will become your REALITY.… it is only REAL when you start believing it is true. 
If you hear ... 
“Your not READY”
“Your not gorgeous enough”
“Oh, Your Single”
“You don’t have enough money for that.”
“You are too Young."
WHO might you be … if you did not HIDE behind your story? 
What is your SO WHAT ? 
Can I challenge you to say “SO WHAT” the next time someone says, YOU are not enough and let it go. Allow yourself to be FREE heart emoticon Scream it OUT heart emoticon
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