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I want to share a moment of my life, because I hope it gives just one person courage.

Courage to find your dream, because You were built to last.
I have done almost everything in my life with some sort of FEAR inside of me.
Afraid to jump 4 feet on my Thoroughbred.

Embarrassed to tell him NO, “I am not ready.”

Scared to walk into a high school with my 2 year old daughter .. YES she is mine.

Shaking when I scream to him, you will never EVER hurt ME again.

Anxiety when I pull a second mortgage out of my home to create a NEW smile.

Trembling to stand up during my first Speech Class.

Over-whelmed when I understood I was a codependent.

CRYING while I hold my Girlfriends hand .. telling her I am READY to Coach .. what if I FAIL?

Afraid that I could not take this picture alone.
I have not experienced it all, but I feel like I can relate to many.
Jumping in life is not easy, it is uncomfortable.

I don't share this to persuade you to join my Tribe of women, but I share this to encourage you to write your story, SEE it on paper and MOVE into that story RIGHT NOW.

*STOP telling yourself I am not THAT GIRL.
*STOP telling yourself when the kids go to college.
*STOP telling yourself this is silly.
*STOP telling yourself your not good enough.

You are ready and you are the designer of your own destiny. HE allows you to make it Fun - Beautiful - and worth working really HARD for yourself. I believe 2017 is the opportunity to commit and grow.
IF you remove your excuses and you allow your ANYTHING to take place .. what could happen?
What are you ready for?
Sounds scary it is .. but .. I do believe you will shine.

Let your voice go .. Let your love serve .. let your path be taken.

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