3 Day Refresh Review Post Thanksgiving 2015

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I have to stop and share because this past 3-DAY Refresh really took my body to the NEXT Level.

It made me Push Harder than ever before.
It made me MORE disciplined
It made me depend on my TEAM daily for support and accountability.

Immediately following Thanksgiving Holiday I weighed in at 134.5 and for me this is pretty much my body max. Anything over that weight tends to go straight into my belly. After having 4 babies my skin has been stretched a lot and it just becomes more challenging to tone. I have a love for Ab's! During our family vacation for Thanksgiving I was craving sweets and I was eating more than the portion size that was healthy for me. Wine had been a dessert for a few days too!

Day #1 I suffered from a headache and sugar cleanse. I felt more hungry on day one than any other day. One thing I decided not to do was workout ... because I knew it would burn even more calories. My Dinner choice was a mixed cucumber and tomato salad with a bowel of vegetable broth. Soooooo delicious! Before I went to sleep I did cuddle up into bed with a hot green tea. <3

Day #2 I felt much better. In the morning waking up to my Shakeology it was more than enough to help me get through the start of the day. After my fiber sweep everything was moving through my digestive system and I was feeling lighter. Life was GRAND! During the day my snacks were more than enough for satisfaction. My evening Dinner was vegetable broth and asparagus. My husband and my 17 year old daughter love asparagus so this is a normal vegetable that everyone could enjoy!

Day #3 I started the day with my full glass of water, black coffee and Shakeology ... I was feeling GOOD and I had the finish line in sight! I WAS DETERMINED! My snacks of bananas, blueberries, celery and peppers were more than enough!  During the past three days I chose to have a lot of avocado for my healthy fat because I can have so much more and it is just heaven to me.  "Totally addicted to avocado!" =D Dinner was a spinach salad and I enjoyed it with extra vegetables added on top. Late night dessert was green tea.

Looking back you can see how every meal mattered, each snack was counted and WATER impacted my results more than anything.  I was  NEVER without ice water and it truly helped me not feel as hungry throughout the day. I had to really think about driving my BODY into the direction that I wanted it to go.

I wanted to push myself and grow during this 3 day cleanse ... and I knew it was going to be HARD but then I discovered change comes from the DOING  - - - I had to BELIEVE that I could accomplish my own personal goals ... and I did.

After 3 days ... -7 pounds and - 4.25 inches. (Inches were lost from Arms, Thighs and my Hips.)

What are your personal goals for 2016?

Are you ready to "BELIVE" that 2016 can and will be Your best YOU?!?!?!


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