Begin your JOURNEY!

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I was BORED of not seeing results. 

When I joined my FIRST Fitness Challenge 2 years and 3 months ago I was clueless and had no idea what I was signing up for. I was 100% convinced I was wasting my money! I even refused to send my Coach my Good-Bye pictures. 

But, I was tired of the EXCUSES. 

I was completely lost and felt no control over my life, marriage and eating habits .. I remember talking to Mike one day and telling him I was running to Starbucks for the 2ND TIME that day because I could barely keep my eyes open. I remember napping 2-3 hours a day, and still being tired. I had no friends and felt alone in Motherhood. I remember feeling a little "cray - cray" .... I remember the tears.

Then on the 1 OR 2 days a week I could FINALLY squeeze in a run .. I was walking, barely breathing and alone. Then there were those nights where I would just eat off the kids plates .. nibble here and there .. and make a Nice Bowl of Ice Cream .. get in bed .. because hey I was a busy MOM and raising 4 kids at home .. “I deserved this”

TODAY .. This picture is of me Running a 5K in my 2nd Trimester =D

Now I am not claiming that my results are going to be the same results for you.

But I PROMISE you that in my Fitness & Nutrition Challenge groups .. you will have RESULTS!

ou will feel a change, you will see change and I believe you will become STRONGER. 

Everyone has a different journey and I have watched 100’s and 100’s of women transform in a matter of 60 days and I have seen women say GOOD-BYE to 98 pounds in the past year. She is still on her journey.

If you have not joined or committed to a Nutrition and Fitness plan this month .. I would LOVE to talk to you and I would be honored to help you. 2017 is just getting started and this is only Day #3 .. Do not wait, let’s chat .. XOXO Mary

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