The beginning of HAMMER & Chisel

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The beginning of a New and FUN journey ... <3

I started HAMMER & Chisel last week and I have to share I NEEDED this change. I was watching my body maintain weight,  but I needed to TONE and Strong is Sexy.  I was getting bored and after seeing a plateau in my upper  body strength I was prepared to step it up! My transformation pictures were not changing and this momma was in for a SERIOUS wake up call.

I said "YES"
I decided December was my new January!

My first week in my Master Program ... I have made it a priority to stay very hydrated ... it is just SO important to keep my body loaded with water and not caffeine. I want to keep everything flushing and moving. And I know that this time of year we are faced with more sweets and I just do not want to give into those triggers. I want to be confident in my own skin.

Last Monday was Day # 1 and from the very first workout I was hurting and burning in places where I had no idea I could. My butt, upper back, arms, shoulders and calves ... LOL ... Just about all over!  I was shocked to think I even could build muscle in some of the areas of pain.  EEEeeeEEEeee  ... but all Good-Hurt-Pain! This was working and I felt the impact within the first 24 hours!

Nutrition is a HUGE part of this program and eating Clean is a Must! Over the week I was constantly feeling hungry or like I needed to snack. This was NEW! I was following my 21 Day Fix Meal plan, but maybe it was not enough.  ANNNNND then my package finally arrived with the HAMMER & Chisel Meal Plan.  "Big Difference" I will be following this meal plan to a TEE this week.

Stay tuned I will be sharing weekly updates and transformations as I go!
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