A delicious side to make for ANY future event!

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Gorgeous and Fresh

I prepared this dish for Thanksgiving and it was totally a 5 STAR review in Taste and in Presentation. The fresh squash and cranberries were not only eye catching, but it was SO delicious. And after adding in the sweet honey and fresh feta I could not get enough! 

My mom and sister were even a little nervous because it seemed just a little too "CLEAN" for the Thanksgiving traditional dinner, but they enjoyed it! 

I did end up going back for seconds and there was barely any left. This is also one of those recipes that are "true" to their serving size.  
The recipe is really simple and feel free to follow it exactly for 6 adults. 
(I will admit that this was not a favorite for the kids.)  

So I will be creating this again ... and again! Not only is it NEW and CLEAN,
 but the 2 Step Bake Process
made it very easy to prepare and not become overwhelmed or take up too much oven space. 

My little tip would be to add the correct amount of Honey and to add in a little Extra Feta Cheese.  

I LOVE cheese and the Feta really makes it POP ... You will not be disappointed! 


(You can find the complete ingredients and recipe under Eat Clean Recipes) 

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