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My Most Recent Results

After pushing play on HAMMER & Chisel the Results are in ... I still have a few more weeks to go. (60 day program)

But I am SO excited to share!
I am a Mom to 4 children ranging from ages 17 to 1 and I "NEVER" thought that my body could have these results.

I feel more CONFIDENT.
I am running FASTER.

I am lifting heavier and toning my body like I have never seen before. It is TRUE women need to lift weights to keep our bones strong. We are burning MORE calories with weights than with cardio alone.

I am down 3.75 inches
I am down 3.5 pounds
My BUTT grew 1.25 inches!


I am working out 6 days a week and one rest day on Thursday which is SO nice! The nutrition plan takes the guessing game out of our daily schedule and it is VERY easy to follow.  Having Shakeology once a day creates PEACE of Mind for that 1 meal ... every single day! Also I am so excited because just this week Mike started working out with me and he is really kicking butt! I see excitement in his eyes ... coming home and putting on his sneakers! We are officially a Power Couple of 2016 ... working together on our Health. I hope this does not change!

If you have been curious about this program - I would LOVE to chat with you. This is for women and men, those who want to lean out, bulk up or maintain their weight and TONE all over....Which is my goal and the track I am on.  It is going to deliver REAL RESULTS!!

Next 3 Week - Challenge Group kicks off on January 28th!
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