A Mom of a Different Color.

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Yesterday, I had one of those "Ahhhh Haaaaa" moments where I had to take a step back and look at how FAR I have come in my health journey.

To be proud of ME as a Mom, Woman and Wife.

I always encourage my ladies to live in the moment and to believe that BABY steps are important.
A step forward no matter the size, shape or timing ... counts ... they all count. Then yesterday in my kitchen while I was washing these Grapes and washing the Apples and preparing this platter ... I just smiled. This was a step! And, this step took me over a year to make .... Kinda Wild!

I have become a healtheir Mom.
This would not have happened 365 days ago.
I was putting fear of judgement from others behind me.
This was the real MARY.

One of my Daughters had a Thanksgiving Feast yesterday and I needed to bring in a side dish for the class. Normally, I would always opt to bring in something super cute and loaded with sugar. A sweet gooey treat, because I knew the kids would go crazy and LOVE it. Yessssss....... even though I married a Dentist.  =D

However, this time I took a different path. FRUIT was my TREAT this year. Why Not ?

I decided to prepare fruit that I knew kids who were 4 and 5 years of age ... really enjoyed. I went to Publix picked out 2 colors of grapes, grabbed a bag of Macintosh Apples and set them on a platter to make my own CREATION.

I arrived to the party, nervous and of course 5 minutes late. (This Momma is always 5 minutes late ...  LOL) My emotions felt like they were flashing on my shoulders, but they weren't .. that was just in my head. I was nervous that my daughter would be super UPSET that I did not have cookies, brownies or cake. But NOPE, she ran up to me ... gave me a Huge Hug and said,  "Momma ... I love you and I want purple grapes please."  LOL ... true story!

All this worry, fear and a little anxiety ... over a fruit platter. But this is the truth. My true emotions.

As I carried my big round platter, knelt down to each child and offered them apples or grapes ... my fear started to disappear. In fact my confidence grew. One by one each child was making their selection. To my surprise, truthfully the Apples went SUPER fast, and the grapes were almost gone. FYI ... Purple Grapes WON!

So the fear of being that boring mom, the healthy crunchy mom or the Beachbody Mom has passed.

I am still 100% normal and I still struggle with the fear of judgement.  But, above ALL I know this is the real me ... this is a lifestyle change and it has poured into the lives of my entire family. At the end of the day I have one person to answer to ... and I know HE has my back.

You just be YOU ... and believe in You.

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