Old Fashion Berry Oats

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Breakfast is by far my FAVORITE meal of the day.  I have always loved breakfast and while growing up in a large family with 5 other siblings ... it was just the 'norm' to sit down at a Long Table and for everyone to eat and watch cartoons together. Oh the morning stories I could share ... LOL!

I remember those mornings when my Mom would cook Oatmeal .. you know the good old fashion oats and it was just DELICIOUS.  She always made it the right temperature, right texture and added in just the right amount of raisins and brown sugar.  It was PERFECT! I finished every BITE!

So now as a Momma to 4 kiddos at home I have gone back to my roots and have started to SLOW DOWN and cook oats in the morning ... the good ole fashion kind.

Now just a little different and just a little healthier.

I have to admit I have come a LONG ways from how I have always doctored up my oats. I really never understood how brown sugar impacted my insides. Or how raisins just didn't digest well with me.

So after 1 year of preparing my morning Oats with all the heavier sugar options ... it is a GOOD feeling to share a picture of where I am now with my Oat journey.

Morning Berry Oats; fresh blueberries, fresh raspberries and a small teaspoon of honey.

All this time I never thought I would be able to give up brown sugar, raisins and dried fruit ... SERIOUSLY ... I was hooked. But, I have made progress ... baby steps ... make all the difference in the world.

Patience and Persistence is the key .. This is by far one of my favorite breakfast choices. <3
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