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A place to be Motivated, Inspired and Given the Support YOU Need to Reach Your Goals. 

This is little 5 Year Old Nypon, who lives in Indonesia.
He is one of four in his family and he lives with his Mother and Father. His responsibilities at home include running errands. He does not attend school because he is too young. He LOVES Soccer and playing Group Games.He also attends church on a regular basis.
Team IGNITE is going to end the year a little different this time. At the end of our 3 week December, "Compassion Support and Accountability Group" our TEAM will vote on how WE can Serve Nypon.
During the month of December - Every Inch lost is Equal to One Dollar - $1
Your LOSS is his GAIN.
Truly in a GREAT--Life Changing way!
Some of Nypon's needs Include:
Dental Care
Water Wells
Sports Camps
Safe Water for Life
Sewing Workshops
I believe with ALL my heart we can help him ... and for the month of December it is far GREATER than just OUR Goals and Success Stories, but giving far beyond what we could IMAGINE.

Grab your SNEAKERS in December, Let's work TOGETHER on a Plan for you and Kick Start your Clean Eating. Your support and love will give him the assistance he needs to grow and be nourished. And please remember Nypon in your prayers.

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