Quiet Time

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Today was one of those Mondays where I just need to ESCAPE and calm the brain. As a Mom it is SO easy to get wrapped up and over-whelmed with the home chores. It is so normal to feel that way about laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, errands, pet-care, birthday planning and maybe even dinner.

Today I was reminded while listening to my personal development to remember to CARVE out that ME TIME.

Moms are allowed to do that ... <3

From 15 minutes to even 30 minutes in your busy - day it is so important to find a little quiet time. For me it normally looks like running, sweating or even just stretching my body.

I also LOVE waking up early before the kids roll out of their beds. When my alarm goes off at 5:15 I get to wash my face alone. Then I can enjoy reading the Bible, or the book I am reading. Being alone and just sipping on my hot coffee in a comfy chair ... curled up with a blanket. It just feels like the perfect way to start a new day.

I took this picture ... while waiting at a doctors for some test results. I needed to breathe I really needed some fresh air. After I held this pose and closed my eyes I walked around the golf course and felt a lot lighter. The sun on my face and the wind blowing my hair was so relaxing. I felt like my mind was clearer and my shoulders were lighter.

So I wanted to share this little moment ... creating some quiet time is WONDERFUL tool to help keep you moving. Calming the brain is a healthy exercise.

Stretch - Pause - Exhale

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