White Bean with Mushroom Chicken Soup

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White Bean Chicken Soup
I was under the weather the other day and WILD enough it was chilly here in Florida.
HA ... So I thought what better time than today for a Chicken soup in my New Slow Cooker.

This was made just wit the ingredients already in my home .. TOTALLY random and taste DELICIOUS!

I prepared this in less than 10 minutes ...
It was LOVED by all Myself, hubby, teenage daughter and the 3 little ones. =D
1 Mason Jar of leftovers for the next day.

6 Frozen Chicken Breast
1 Package of Fresh White Mushrooms
2 Cans of White Cannellini Beans (Drained)
Garlic Salt and Powder to taste
Black Pepper to taste
1 Cup of Low Sodium Organic Broth and 1 Cup of Water
Served with Brown Rice and a Fresh Salad

I first placed the Frozen Chicken Breast into the slow cooker for 4 hours - High
I then separated the Chicken Breast & pulled them apart.
Next ALL other ingredients went in and for 2 more hours they cooked - Low
Last setting stayed on Warm till ... Dinner time at 5:30pm.

I will tell if you are working outside the home ... FEEL FREE to put everything inside your Slow Cooker and set it on Low. When you walk in your home it will smell AMAZING and taste delicious!
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