Hi! I'm Mary!

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 Hi and WELCOME to my Story.

I'm so happy you've stopped by and I can't wait to share with you a little glance into my life. As a Mom to four children and a wife to a busy Husband, I understand LIFE can feel full ... overwhelming ... or just too busy.

I hope I can shine a little light on how I seek to find that precious balance each and every day.

I know what it's like to feel overwhelmed by trying to start a new healthy lifestyle. After my fourth baby, was born I could no longer get a grip of TIME or much less Life. I actually had control over nothing. I felt overwhelmed and I felt lost. After sometime of denial I realized I was going through post-partum depression. And, going into such a dark place where nothing felt comfortable from my clothes to my home and just looking into the mirror. I was not happy and I needed a CHANGE ... I did not even recognize who I was.

During that pregnancy I had gained 52 pounds and I needed to get it off. I needed to sweat it off and I needed to learn a new system as a stay at home mom. I did not know anything about clean eating and I was worried it would be too hard. I had always enjoyed working out and feeling that deep burn or sweat dripping down my stomach. However, the story of my life prior was ... I was a GYM Girl.

At this season in my life I could not afford a Gym, a Sitter for those hours or create a health plan with consistency. So after a long year of one of my Girlfriends asking me to be in a Challenge Group with her and to push play on a T-25 and drink Shakeology daily ... I finally said, "Yes"!

Within the first week I felt different ... my mind, body and soul was transforming. ALL from working out in my guest room and finally discovering that the Healthiest Meal of the day was a Shake. It was WILD!  The support and positive motivation from my on-line Challenge Group was Life Changing. I did not feel alone ... but I felt connected to New Friends. I was being pushed by women who were living in another STATE or another CITY,  but we were reaching for the same goal.

"A Healthier ME."

Let me tell you - I could not be here today if I didn't have those bad days! They became my motivation to DO BETTER and to FEEL BETTER! I had to BELIEVE I could do it and I did! After four months with T-25 and Shakeology ... I lost my baby weight and I had found "MARY" again.

Today one of my greatest passions in life is to help others and give back to the community - to share the knowledge that I've learned. I truly want to help you get started. Sometimes that can look completely different for one person verse another. Remember life is about taking one step at a time.

Momma on the GO!

Everyones first day looks different but, we ALL have a first day! The moment where our MIND shifts into an entirely new direction because you commit to a NEW YOU.  It is scary and it is over-whelming ... but you do not have to be alone ... let's do this TOGETHER.

Become your biggest fan! Make a commitment to yourself that says - I want to live a healthier life!
I want my family to live a healthier life! And, I want to do it right and MAKE IT STICK!

Let Go, Dream Big and Laugh Often!
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