Become Your Own Boss

Letting go of the past .. moving on with the FUTURE.
it is just not that easy right .. it is hard.

If we just pause and re-think and re-focus on the little things .. the things that at times do not seem to matter .. 
Oh, but they do. WE can get a glimpse of the BIG picture. ALL the colors, smells and moments of that 1 Life Changing Day. That 1 little second that FORVER changes You.  

Through all the days of my life .. I never understood or DREAMED of going through some of the scariest and most heartbreaking moments. Then again .. I never in my WILDEST dreams expected to LIVE in the little bubble we have created for US too. YES, it is a pretty bubble .. but sometimes I like to pop it!

HE knew. HE knew my journey from the very beginning and truly the little pieces that continue to come together bringing many SMILES and at times questions & doubts that bring me to TEARS .. yes I have those too .. and I remind myself to WELCOME it all <3

See I have learned this body .. it is just mine to just borrow =)
At the end .. NOTHING I do REALLY matters.
What really matters .. the most is my Legacy .. what I leave in other friends hearts .. or people .. that I am so blessed to be about to touch - hug - or help. HE matters .. My relationship with my father.

I have done SO much personal development over the past 3 months .. and I PRAY to do even more .. a constant prayer is "USE ME lORD" .. just 3 Words! In all the big - tiny - and scary avenues. IF we remove the doubts and we remove the what IF's then I believe with ALL my heart that ANYTHING can and will happen .. and I believe we will see.


(Picture courtesy of James Adair)

WHY not You?

I want to share some thoughts because I feel like WE all need to embrace OUR journey ... OUR Life.

"No, we need to LOVE OurSelves today & Unapologetically!"

Many of you know I am huge lover of the Core. 
After Mabry was born in 1998, I did not feel my ab's for 1 year ... I was 16 and I was Freaked Out. I was back in size 6 in 1 Week post her pregnancy (after 42 pounds of weight gain) but my body was GONE. I went from 15 and pregnant to more like 25 with a Serious Shift in Everything. Nothing looked like a 16 year old.

From 2010 -> 2014, I gave birth 3 more times.

2 years ago after Mikey was born and 52 pounds of weight gain ... I was humiliated to look at my Butt, in fact the cellulite all over my body was un-describe able. My Stomach was GONE. I was putting lotion and oil and the MOST organic or known to man FIX on me. I didn't want Mike to look at me and DEFINITELY did not want him to touch me.

SEPTEMBER 30th, is my 2 year anniversary as a Coach. The title doesn't mean anything compared to WHO I am as a Woman, As a Wife and as a Mom.

I can embrace my good - bad - and Maturing body. I can grow my mind and I can DREAM with no limits ... I can Look in the mirror and I can share this picture of ME.

I feel pretty, strong and independent TODAY.
3 things that 2 years ago ... We're no where to be found. They were Dead ... She was Lost.

So I open up to you ... Hmmm not sure because it lays on my ... heart ... That someone needs to hear this,You are Beautiful!

If you feel like it's not working or not moving fast enough ... Just breath ... Embrace Where You Are Right NOW.

Take one moment and one day at a time.
Your story is BIG and your Voice is bigger .. Don't give UP.

PS. If you have told yourself "I Want Change" and would like a Peek into Coaching, let me know ... I will be hosting a Casual Tour from Nashville in a few days, and you can learn More about all the perks and about your our Team and your "ANYTHING"

❤️ Mary 

Rejuvenate your mind and body ... take charge today.

It's about making a commitment to yourself that says - I want to live a healthier life! I want my family to live a healthier life! And, I want to do it right and MAKE IT STICK!



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