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Have you ever asked yourself ..
How did I end up here? Really ? 
I have and if you have ... Please know you are not alone. I think we all have.
That moment when you just do not recognize YOU anymore. πŸ’š
Life is busy and constant and I was very guilty of giving more when my cup was Full, but my Saucer was Empty ...
We have to GIVE from our SaucerπŸ’–
A journey is just that ... Days ~ Weeks ~ Months.
A journey is not always easy, but you can DO IT!
A journey begins on the inside! 
πŸ’›Whether you lose 100 pounds or 15 pounds
πŸ’–Whether you Gain Confidence
πŸ’›Whether you Let go of Depression
πŸ’–Whether you Find Strength that you never imagined possible
DANCE on your story! 
I want to start by saying YOU are welcomed right where you are ... with a Tribe of Ladies you find the JOY in your sweet come-back! Nutrition and consistency is key ~> and we will attack it! 
Cristina and Annalisa you are certainly busy Ladies, but your Determination is BEAUTIFUL! 
I have been blessed to watch you PUSH😘
You can be Strong this Summer ... Busy Bees' I have an incredible month of surprises for you ... Do Not Wait ... Join in TODAY πŸ‘™πŸ‘ πŸ’„
Comment or Email Me @ MaryBrummbeachbody@gmail.com
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