Red Wine Turkey Chili

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Red Wine Turkey Chili

This Sunday it was chilly in Florida and I really wanted to make Chili, but I wanted it to be clean and I wanted it to be different. I am so guilty of finding a new favorite and then just repeating history for a few months.  HAHAHA..... and I wanted to impress the Hubby =D

So I did a little searching and found one that I liked and then I added a little of my favorite secrets to make it my own. Clean - Easy - 21DF approved - Hammer & Chisel approved.

We still had leftovers and I just filled a couple mason jars. I will be using these for lunch during the week, and if you do not have mason jars feel free to freeze your leftovers for another night.

Mike and I could not eat enough ... we both had 2 bowls. "Seriously, SO GOOD"

I Prepped this in 15 minutes. First I browned the Turkey, and then drained it placing it into my slow cooker - setting was high. Then I took the mushrooms, garlic, onions and bell peppers used a food processor to blend them. (I like keeping everything a surprise.) Added them into the slow cooker. After adding the rest of the ingredients into the Slow Cooker , it stayed on high until everything was hot and then I turned it to Warm. It was ready within 2-3 hours.  
I love using my Slow Cooker ... it just makes Home smell delicious and it truly makes dinner prepared - anytime - on anyone's schedule <3 
ENJOY and leave me a Comment , I would LOVE to know how it turned out for you!  
2 tsp extra virgin organic coconut oil, melted.
1 large onion, chopped, 2 Cloves garlic
1 medium red bell pepper, chopped
1 medium yellow (or orange) bell pepper, chopped 
1 cup of fresh mushrooms
1 lb. raw 93% lean ground turkey
1 package of Fresh Salsa (no salt added) 1 Cup of Organic Vinegar - Red Wine
2 cans (15-oz. each) black beans, kidney beans, rinsed, drained. (I replaced one with 1/2 bag of frozen
1 Tbsp. chili powder
½ tsp. sea salt
2 tsp of Crushed red peppers (to taste; optional)
8 tsp of Crumbled Goat Cheese and Hot Sauce (as desired)

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