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NO More Mask ... just Mary 
Her I M A G E ... She's got it all.
Life is easy and it will always be easy.
OH, Don't forget she's pretty. 

An image being portrayed is just a veil over Her reality. Moments or seconds of REAL life ... Her authentic life ... 

F A C E B O O K 

Her steps outside the screen in her community, in her home or with those who can touch her ... those who can Feel her. 

That's Her R E A L Image. 

TRUTH, I never wanted to portray perfection, and I never wanted to portray an Intimidation of my authentic realism. 
"I was born and raised in a home with 2 bedrooms and shared between 5 children. YES, that is real. Girls in one room and Boys in the other. Later we turned a Porch ... and it was a beautiful stained wooden Porch ... into a 3rd Bedroom. My Father made this with his OWN Hands.
SADLY I was embarrassed and ashamed of my Home.
Then it was 6 Children sharing those 3 Rooms. Yes, that is real.
Having Sex at 15 years old, Sneaking them In, Yes that was REAL and that was Me. I was lonely, confused and I was TOTALLY Lost." 
Then I re-dedicated my life after Mabry was born .. and my life and my FUTURE ... slowly and I mean very slowly ... Changed. 

I am forever growing, and constantly being challenged and transformed ... I pray at least to become Stronger in my soul and in my One Body and in my one Opportunity to do this "thing" we call
L I F E. 

Not in my own Will, but in HIS.
To be Bold, Yes, I want that!!!!!!
I do❤️

So I hope when you read this, or You see me or watch me ... I Hope I Portray a Woman with no Mask. Just Mary, the woman who SO is not perfect and totally does not have it all together. She is just like You. 

Love Mary❤️
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