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Simple Meatloaf - 21DF - Kid & Hubby Approved

Take a LOOK!

The other day I made my FIRST Meatloaf EVER! 
CRAZY - - - But true .... I am 34 and never prepared or baked a Meatloaf.

I was super nervous because not only was it my first attempt to such a high demand dish. But to be honest my Mom made the best Meatloaf growing up. I had large shoes to fill and I was a HOT MESS. 
But I just went for it and I did it!
Can I just say I am SO thankful I did!  This is the picture I took as I walked into the house a little late after dinner time.  Everyone had already helped themselves and the dish was almost done. 
Mike said, "What is in that ?  ... it is SO GOOD!"
Mila and Mikey totally ate their share. 
Mabry's comment ... "That was REALLY GOOD!"
However, Makayla did say .... "I like Black Chicken not White." HAHAHA
AND it is 21 Day Fix Approved! Enjoy the recipe and leave me a Comment after you have tested it out =D 
I prepped this during Mikey's nap time and put it in the fridge. Then in the oven at 4:30pm. Prep time was 10 min. Easssssssy Easssssssy!
1½ lbs. Ground Turkey
1 large egg
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
¾ medium green bell pepper, chopped (optional)
1 medium celery stalk, chopped
½ jar of Salsa
1 cup whole-grain bread crumbs
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
Sea salt and ground black pepper (to taste; optional)
1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
2. In a Food Processor Blend: garlic, celery and onion.
3. Combine beef, egg, garlic, onion,(bell pepper if you like) celery, 1/2 jar of Salsa, bread crumbs, mustard, and parsley in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper if desired; mix well with clean hands.
4. Place mixture in casserole dish. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes or until cooked through.
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