January Testimonies

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Challenger Testimony 1/24/2015

I have to give some major LOVE to a HOT HOT Couple ... "Beauty & the BEAST"

AMAAAAAAAZING Results and look at these SMILES .. I mean seriously, this is EXCITING <3

This is a couple that over 3 weeks truly Invested Each Other.

-> Determined
-> Truly Fierce
-> NutritionFocused
-> RESULT Driven

In just 21 days this couple pushed play almost every single morning getting up EARLY ... before the Baby ... before WORK .. before LIFE. Focused on their Nutrition and Shakeology every single day. AND enjoyed a Happy Meal weekly.
And because they were determined & they knew NO ONE was going to do it for them.
They worked HARD!
Getting fit with your Significant other or Spouse ... is EXCITING ... and it is REAL .. it will CHANGE everything. Trust me .. things will CHANGE.

Lately I have talked to many Ladies & Husbands who are secretly ready ... but the other ONE just does not KNOW how or when to bring up this CONVERSATION ... but truth be told ... ONE just needs to take the leap of FAITH and SAY "YES"

Yes to a new Journey 
Yes to simple Clean Eating 
Yes to daily workouts from HOME 
Yes to me as your Coach for Free. 

No matter what 3 weeks are going to COME.
For those who are ready to COMMIT....

Join Beauty & the BEAST ... NOW .... Because this group is SO on FIRE it is continuing through February. HEAT up your V-DAY ... "BOND like never before"

--> I have only 5 spots ready to fill up with some MOTIVATED Couples.
--> Or fill out this quick questionnaire February is going to be HOT HOT HOT !!!
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