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Live by FAITH, not by Sight 

I'm just a real Girl finding my real faith ... and Drawing closer to my Father every single day. And I can tell you I love my Jesus, and my story is not about me ... It is ALL about him.
Soooooo it is time here we GO ~~> 2016
Re-Define Your CHANGE!
Visualize your WHY. 
Faith & Fitness with FriendshipsπŸ’—

I want to invite you to join my 1ST Faith Driven ~ "5 day Clean Eating Group." 
This group will be following the book, 'Authentic Girlfriends' and it is going to be like no group I have ever Lead.

Get ready for πŸ’—πŸ’•πŸ’—
Daily prayer & quiet time.
How to cleanse your Kitchen and Body.
6 Shakeology's => 6 meals - All Flavors πŸ˜‰
NEW Slow Cooker Recipes.
One on one Coaching and Motivation.

I want this to be a forever change. And I remember how I felt September of 2014. I was exhausted, stressed and lost. 

If you find yourself saying...
*I like to Eat
*That is too Expensive
*I don't Diet
*I don't want to Fail again
*I can't do this alone. 
Then this is for you. Come and see what I do, and WHY I truly believe in Shakeology, Accountability Groups and how your Voice & Journey can change the lives of other Women ... Just like youπŸ’•
-->>   Monday, January 25th is Day #1.
-->>   Message me or comment below Limited Space - ***only 8 Spots**
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