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Friday, February 12th while in Jamaica we were driving home from the jungle, and I asked our Driver to take us to a Children's Orphanage on the way back to our hotel. I am not sure WHY I asked this. Maybe curiosity? Or maybe my heart was just hungry for more.
I don't know. 
He droves us into the Jamaica National Children's Home.
Immediately my eyes were drawn to the tall barb-wire fences and locked down gates. 
However, on one of the buildings there was a beautiful blue mural painted with children running in the clouds with laughter and smiles. It is beautiful!
We left barely making it inside and then we were turned away from visiting because we were in shorts. I left my business card and with contact information for their website. I left wanting more. 
That evening I told Mike ... God wants us to go back ... He wants us to Love on these kids. He pretty much thought I was kinda crazy ... HAHA .. But I told him, "Mike, God told me this is OUR time. Do this together."
I have never heard Him speak so clearly and so quickly in all my life.
But his words were - Just GO - GO Now. 
So we did just that.
We barely knew where to find the goodies in town. We faced a little battle trying to purchase so many gifts for the Kids .. but He provided ... we did not prepare the Children's Home that we were coming ... there was just no time. 
But we SHOWED UP. 
We arrived pretty much a little hot mess. Clueless how to explain our calling.
I introduced Mike and I to the Director of the home and he said, "Talk to me ... tell me who you are and why you are here?" 
I would be lying to you if I told you I wasn't a little nervous ... I was a LOT nervous, but more than anything I was PUMPED UP ... I had made it this far! No Turning BACK! I didn't know if he was going to let us in - but I was going to try my hardest. 
After a few minutes of telling him who we were ... and that we were parents to 4 children and honestly had a LOVE & Passion for children and the Lord ... he welcomed us in. 
Praise GOD!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY grin emoticon
We learned there are 88 children living in the first Children's Home.
(Ages 5-18, cared for by 4 women.)
There are 28 Children with Disabilities living in one home.
(Ages 10 - 30+, cared for by 1 women and 2-3 volunteers. )
here are 200 Children whom are Deaf living in the last Children's Home.
All on One Campus....surrounded by garbage and waste. These roads are very very difficult to drive down. 
I want to share with you the reason we decided to visit with the Disability Children. This was all due to Mabry. She told us when she would visit Honduras that no one would visit these children ... no one wanted to spend time with them. On this Saturday as we parked we saw 6 or 7 cars in the visiting center for the other Children, but no visitors for the Disability. One of the Volunteers in the home told me there were only 2 children that had parents who would visit maybe once or twice a year. 
Walking into this one story building Mike and I were nervous and completely clueless to what we would see, hear or experience. We just opened our hearts and prayed for them to feel our love. The children and adults suffer from severe mental and or physical disabilities. Almost all of them could not speak. One of the best moments of our day was when a car drove by blaring reggae music .. the children bounced their bodies and their legs in the wheel chairs and their eyes came ALIVE. They truly LOVE music! 
After spending the day seeing their home ... hugging, sitting with them, rubbing their backs, holding their hands, swinging, and throwing balls back and forth we had to say good-bye. I struggled big time with this. With tears rolling down my cheek I slowly said good-bye. I hugged all the volunteers. 
Walking to our truck 3 children were holding onto the doors they couldn't talk ... but they knew we were leaving. Mike and I slowly led them back to their home to their family...and we drove away. 

Sometimes ANYTHING is possible when we just let go and allow Him to MOVE us. I recently finished a book called 'Anything' and this read has truly changed me from the inside out. I pray that this is just the beginning for Mike and I.
Jamaica National Children's Home - www.oocities.org
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