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Live with no box. 
Look at your today. 

This little Man gave me the courage to START something new.
He PUSHED me to get out of my own way and take a deeper look into MARY. 

After Mikey was born .. I experienced postpartum for the very first time. I was in denial for a while ... Mike was too ... and he and I needed help from the outside ... Professional help.
We were in a tough spot.

That was the beginning of a better path for us as a Wife and as a Husband. It is not the EASY path, but it is the Healthier path.
Marriage is not a noun, it is a Verb.

Then I found the greatness of Coaching .. the community .. the health benefit .. the financial opportunity and MORE.

I want to OPEN UP the Coaching world to you.
Life is going to serve you lessons - over & over again.
But how do you share them .. and how do you USE them to serve others? What is your TRUE Wild & Beautiful Potential ?

For me, I have found Confidence and Courage to do more and think less. I can RUN with my kids and keep up with Mike ... we Travel .. and I have a Tribe of Ladies that even if it ALL ended tomorrow we are giving back and making a difference in the World today, because Your voice matters and You count.

Tomorrow Night, Tuesday @8:30 PM/ET ... jump on your chance to get outside your Own Box and into the Bigger Picture. Live Life to the FULLEST!

I would love Share what COACHING can look like for you ... and answer any questions you may have. PM me or comment below. 
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