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This is ON my heart .. and has been for some time.

Mike and I completed this booklet as a SINGLE/Non-Married couple when we were engaged and it is a Powerful Bible Study!


If you have heard me talk about this privately YOU know just how POWERFUL!

Created by Relevant Church in Tampa.
All credit goes to Paul Wirth and Susie.

But we did not ever start or complete this as a Married Couple ... Disclosure this is not about having S_E_X every day ... πŸ˜œ ... it is more OPEN that that.

This is about being close, intimate, connected with one another on an emotional need foundation.

It is 30 days long.
It is life changing.
It is Faith and Christ Based.

Would YOU and your Spouse be interested in a Closed Private Group to dive into this challenge together.

On~ Line.
100% FREE ... 100% Awesomness !!!

February is the month of LOVE ♥️πŸ’ͺ🏽♥️πŸ’ͺ🏽

What better time to celebrate your relationship and WHY you two are the best partners for one another.

Could you commit for 30 days .. open to ALL Couples who are married and again FREE πŸ˜

Contact me if you are interested and JOIN SOON .... This Opens on 2/1/17
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