Fall in love with YOURSELF

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23 Weeks Pregnant with#5

I am nervous to share this .. but lately I have really struggled with the stretching and the growing of this little baby Brumm. I've been keeping it in and not sharing it with ALL of the world, but sharing it privately. 

Tonight I just want to get it out .. because .. If my feelings are your feelings I want US to change our outlook and begin to fall in LOVE with the Skin we are in right NOW and this doesn't apply to only pregnant women ... it could be for anyone. It could be for you. 

I want you to know .. we are normal.
Whatever your season of life looks like YOU are not alone. 

I KNOW this is a short season for me and that I am suppose to gain weight. I KNOW that every pregnancy is different. I KNOW that I am hormonal =D I know I am growing a BABY. 

AND I've realized tonight after 2 hours of personal development .. that I needed to share this. 

*The heartburn is hard sometimes.
*The Stretch-Marks are real.
*The unexpected wrist pain from yesterday is not fun.
*The Meal Prep is a MUST.
*The pimples showing up under my chest are itchy.
*Taking a shower is a workout. 
*Late Night Cravings are real. 

I am constantly growing and re-learning how to be the best woman I can be .. and .. in the month of March I want to HELP MORE WOMEN find comfort and fall back in love with the Skin that they are in. 
If you are lost in this journey of life and NEED to recharge your attitude and maybe you just need HOPE ........... I GET YOU. 
Let's do it together .. It's time to fall back in LOVE with yourself.
If this spoke to you or you want to learn more about my next 5 week Connection Group comment below or Apply Today. 

I have limited spaces - 10 spots for this next group and ALL ladies will be welcome to Jump Start with ME immediately, one on one Coaching starts this week and I am sending you a Positive Energy Bracelet <3 <3 <3 as a daily reminder of OUR JOURNEY. 
Don't wait until 3/1/2017 ... love yourself today.

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