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WHY not you ? 
When you are spreading something GOOD you have lots of eyes on you.

I want to share something from one of my favorite reads: Anything by Jennie Allen. 

'When you turn your life over to a living God who sees need, who loves desperately, the way he chooses to pour you out will be as unique as the way HE formed you in the womb and placed you in your space on earth. Some of our Anythings feel flashy, and fancy, but MOST of our anythings fall in secret places.'

I love that part . OH . those secret sweet places.
Your not alone .. it is contagious.

If your wondering TODAY .. IS There More .. your not alone .. your voice is Heard .. give it air .. give it LIFE.

This 1 chance on earth that YOU & I have is the crazy wild opportunity to be and create and risk BIG things in life .. I want to be Dreaming and Doing with you.

My Tribe. Team #IfAnything❤️

New Coach University is going to be opening tomorrow ..

It is a New Year .. time for a New YOU .. are you ready ? ? 

I am looking for 5 Women to Mentor in the month of January .. 1 on 1 .. personal growth and building your Beachbody Business. If you would like to be considered please complete this Application below. I can't wait to chat!!

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