ALL Children Are Different

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Mikey 23 months Old

MIKEY has been working really Hard over the past 6 weeks ......

I have not shared this.

But HIS story has come up 3 times this week. I don't believe it is a coincidence .. I believe it is HIM saying .. it's okay to SHARE.

I believe that MANY more parents can relate.
I believe that Mikey is not alone, and that many families have probably felt and have been where WE are today.

When Mikey was 18 months old he did not pass his Developmental Evaluation/Screening.
He did not pass it at 19 months.
He did not pass it at 20 months ... and still he is not passing the screening at 23 months.

So after more evaluations and after a few visits to All Children's Hospital .. WE Learned Mikey can hear US.

He can say DADDA, but from there we are not able to really communicate well with him. There are other areas where it's just Really Hard as a Parent to know what is going on in his mind.

So Mikey has been having therapy Once a week for the past six weeks. We have an amazing Teacher who comes to our Home and teaches us ALL how to communicate with him and HE is learning to work a little harder too.

In the past 6 weeks Mikey has said MOMMA - 5 times  grin emoticon

I have felt Nervous, Scared and a whole lot of Mommy Guilt. But I have learned that this is OKAY ... We are doing our best to help him and He is growing and learning that we have expectations too.

This WHOLE PARENTING world is tough .. and JOYFUL heart emoticon

I just want you to know .. if you have ever heard the words DELAY or DISABILITY .. I know it is scary but .. it will be OKAY .. and you are never ever alone.

This is Mikey's story ... and I know it will change. XOXO
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