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When asked to try Shakeology .. my NO was majority weighed on the Investment."Money"
My Beginning was NO ... Not for ME🤗
I may have shared this in the past, but I said NO to Shakeology for over a Year.
WHY, because it was Too Expensive
& I like to EAT 🤔
& I continued to struggle and struggle and nothing changed.
My 52 pounds I Gained with Mikey was STUCK! I just hid it REALLY well. I felt LOST.
This is what I did not know before my First Accountability Group! Other than seeing my Body Transform and gaining New GirlFriends ...
🔹I never knew it would STOP the pain of my IBS ... Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
🔹I never knew it would STOP me from going to Starbucks everyday ~~Many times 2 times a Day😁
🔹I never knew it would stop my Daily Naps.
🔹I did not know it would replace my Pre-Natal.
🔹I did know I would Stop Craving Ice Cream.
🔹I never knew it would taste SO good and that I would crave it!!
I share this because while we just went to Canada I saved about $125 on eating out for Breakfast. I made my shake in the hotel room ... and instead I spent less than $20 on 5 meals. 
I felt no bloating while eating out the rest of the day all week ... Craved less sugar ... And my system was GOOD 😜 sorry TMI 👊🏼
But it's true ...
"It's not just a Shake, it is so much MORE." 
My Ladies Only ~~> 🙋🏼Busyness with Breakthroughs🙋🏼 ~~> opens Wednesday and Day #1 is Next Monday ... Message me if you want to invest in YOU for 3 weeks💗
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