Are you Hungry?

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Do you have a Heart for HEALTH?
Are you HUNGRY for more ? 
Then there is greatness in you .. and you should let it out!  

Are you giddy when you step in the kitchen?
Do you secretly LOVE to sweat πŸ˜œ
Maybe even a Food GuRu? πŸŒπŸŒΆπŸ†πŸ‰
Then Coaching could be for you!!!
Your Power.
Your Hunger for more.
Your Wild Goals ... Yep those "hush-hush" ones you never say out loud.
I have them toooo!!!!
Career Girls
Stay at Home Mom's
Multi-tasking Women ... You are Rock-Stars! 
I want 5 Women to join me in the month of February... who are ready to bind together and bring their love ~ their passion ~ to serve others into my Next Challenge Group. 

It will be packed with Power - and - Pure drive to be more and see more change in this world.

GOOD Change!!
Live your life with your Drive and PASSION ...  this is MORE than a feeling ... Don't wait any longer!! 


You are Wonderfully made.

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This is my Mabry.
I just finished reading a blog post from A testimony about unplanned pregnancies and how YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made. I can not express how this hit home for me.
Truly want to cry ... Happy tears heart emoticon ... of hope.
So I share my own journey with you. 

I found out I was pregnant with my oldest daughter at the young age of 15. It was August of my Sophomore year in High School and we had just returned back from Summer. After the 3rd pregnancy test in less than 10 minutes, and with my MOM in my bathroom ... We both had to stop the "denial" ................. I was pregnant. 
Right in that moment I understood - I was a MOM, but I was only 15.
I was just a child.
I remember feeling ashamed, alone, uncontrollable pain and FEAR ... of everything and of everyone.
I was hurting.
I thought I was alone, but GOD was right there - Holding my HAND and saying, "You got this Mary. WE got this." 
So after many people encouraged me to choose abortion ... Or move to Orlando and finish my pregnancy in secrecy then give up the Baby ... I decided ... NO. I was going to have my Baby. I was going to stay home and finish my Sophomore year. I had to find strength - and - I had to grow up. I believed that I was not only going to finish my Junior year. But, I was going to WALK across that stage with my class of 2000. And I did!!!
See ... I became a Christian very young, but my relationship with my Father had been steered and directed in a different direction. I found myself lost. My faith as a teenager had faded and I allowed the WORLD to influence my choices. Jesus had been thrown on the back-burner.
Today, I remember specifically thanking GOD that he blessed me with a baby to be delivered during the Summer. Exactly - 3 weeks after my sophomore year and Mabry came on her due date. On HIS timing. I can smile because I remember that dearly. She was 8.4 and 20 1/2 inches long ... and oh my goodness ......... she was BEAUTIFUL heart emoticon
IF you are reading this and have found yourself in a position or a place where you do not know what you are going to do - OR - where you are going to live ... or how you might feel with a new baby or this pregnancy. Please know you have options and there is HOPE. You are loved right where you are today. Love Mary

January Testimonies

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Challenger Testimony 1/24/2015

I have to give some major LOVE to a HOT HOT Couple ... "Beauty & the BEAST"

AMAAAAAAAZING Results and look at these SMILES .. I mean seriously, this is EXCITING <3

This is a couple that over 3 weeks truly Invested Each Other.

-> Determined
-> Truly Fierce
-> NutritionFocused
-> RESULT Driven

In just 21 days this couple pushed play almost every single morning getting up EARLY ... before the Baby ... before WORK .. before LIFE. Focused on their Nutrition and Shakeology every single day. AND enjoyed a Happy Meal weekly.
And because they were determined & they knew NO ONE was going to do it for them.
They worked HARD!
Getting fit with your Significant other or Spouse ... is EXCITING ... and it is REAL .. it will CHANGE everything. Trust me .. things will CHANGE.

Lately I have talked to many Ladies & Husbands who are secretly ready ... but the other ONE just does not KNOW how or when to bring up this CONVERSATION ... but truth be told ... ONE just needs to take the leap of FAITH and SAY "YES"

Yes to a new Journey 
Yes to simple Clean Eating 
Yes to daily workouts from HOME 
Yes to me as your Coach for Free. 

No matter what 3 weeks are going to COME.
For those who are ready to COMMIT....

Join Beauty & the BEAST ... NOW .... Because this group is SO on FIRE it is continuing through February. HEAT up your V-DAY ... "BOND like never before"

--> I have only 5 spots ready to fill up with some MOTIVATED Couples.
--> Or fill out this quick questionnaire February is going to be HOT HOT HOT !!!
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Live by FAITH, not by Sight 

I'm just a real Girl finding my real faith ... and Drawing closer to my Father every single day. And I can tell you I love my Jesus, and my story is not about me ... It is ALL about him.
Soooooo it is time here we GO ~~> 2016
Re-Define Your CHANGE!
Visualize your WHY. 
Faith & Fitness with FriendshipsπŸ’—

I want to invite you to join my 1ST Faith Driven ~ "5 day Clean Eating Group." 
This group will be following the book, 'Authentic Girlfriends' and it is going to be like no group I have ever Lead.

Get ready for πŸ’—πŸ’•πŸ’—
Daily prayer & quiet time.
How to cleanse your Kitchen and Body.
6 Shakeology's => 6 meals - All Flavors πŸ˜‰
NEW Slow Cooker Recipes.
One on one Coaching and Motivation.

I want this to be a forever change. And I remember how I felt September of 2014. I was exhausted, stressed and lost. 

If you find yourself saying...
*I like to Eat
*That is too Expensive
*I don't Diet
*I don't want to Fail again
*I can't do this alone. 
Then this is for you. Come and see what I do, and WHY I truly believe in Shakeology, Accountability Groups and how your Voice & Journey can change the lives of other Women ... Just like youπŸ’•
-->>   Monday, January 25th is Day #1.
-->>   Message me or comment below Limited Space - ***only 8 Spots**

Red Wine Turkey Chili

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Red Wine Turkey Chili

This Sunday it was chilly in Florida and I really wanted to make Chili, but I wanted it to be clean and I wanted it to be different. I am so guilty of finding a new favorite and then just repeating history for a few months.  HAHAHA..... and I wanted to impress the Hubby =D

So I did a little searching and found one that I liked and then I added a little of my favorite secrets to make it my own. Clean - Easy - 21DF approved - Hammer & Chisel approved.

We still had leftovers and I just filled a couple mason jars. I will be using these for lunch during the week, and if you do not have mason jars feel free to freeze your leftovers for another night.

Mike and I could not eat enough ... we both had 2 bowls. "Seriously, SO GOOD"

I Prepped this in 15 minutes. First I browned the Turkey, and then drained it placing it into my slow cooker - setting was high. Then I took the mushrooms, garlic, onions and bell peppers used a food processor to blend them. (I like keeping everything a surprise.) Added them into the slow cooker. After adding the rest of the ingredients into the Slow Cooker , it stayed on high until everything was hot and then I turned it to Warm. It was ready within 2-3 hours.  
I love using my Slow Cooker ... it just makes Home smell delicious and it truly makes dinner prepared - anytime - on anyone's schedule <3 
ENJOY and leave me a Comment , I would LOVE to know how it turned out for you!  
2 tsp extra virgin organic coconut oil, melted.
1 large onion, chopped, 2 Cloves garlic
1 medium red bell pepper, chopped
1 medium yellow (or orange) bell pepper, chopped 
1 cup of fresh mushrooms
1 lb. raw 93% lean ground turkey
1 package of Fresh Salsa (no salt added) 1 Cup of Organic Vinegar - Red Wine
2 cans (15-oz. each) black beans, kidney beans, rinsed, drained. (I replaced one with 1/2 bag of frozen
1 Tbsp. chili powder
½ tsp. sea salt
2 tsp of Crushed red peppers (to taste; optional)
8 tsp of Crumbled Goat Cheese and Hot Sauce (as desired)

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My Most Recent Results

After pushing play on HAMMER & Chisel the Results are in ... I still have a few more weeks to go. (60 day program)

But I am SO excited to share!
I am a Mom to 4 children ranging from ages 17 to 1 and I "NEVER" thought that my body could have these results.

I feel more CONFIDENT.
I am running FASTER.

I am lifting heavier and toning my body like I have never seen before. It is TRUE women need to lift weights to keep our bones strong. We are burning MORE calories with weights than with cardio alone.

I am down 3.75 inches
I am down 3.5 pounds
My BUTT grew 1.25 inches!


I am working out 6 days a week and one rest day on Thursday which is SO nice! The nutrition plan takes the guessing game out of our daily schedule and it is VERY easy to follow.  Having Shakeology once a day creates PEACE of Mind for that 1 meal ... every single day! Also I am so excited because just this week Mike started working out with me and he is really kicking butt! I see excitement in his eyes ... coming home and putting on his sneakers! We are officially a Power Couple of 2016 ... working together on our Health. I hope this does not change!

If you have been curious about this program - I would LOVE to chat with you. This is for women and men, those who want to lean out, bulk up or maintain their weight and TONE all over....Which is my goal and the track I am on.  It is going to deliver REAL RESULTS!!

Next 3 Week - Challenge Group kicks off on January 28th!
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Simple Meatloaf - 21DF - Kid & Hubby Approved

Take a LOOK!

The other day I made my FIRST Meatloaf EVER! 
CRAZY - - - But true .... I am 34 and never prepared or baked a Meatloaf.

I was super nervous because not only was it my first attempt to such a high demand dish. But to be honest my Mom made the best Meatloaf growing up. I had large shoes to fill and I was a HOT MESS. 
But I just went for it and I did it!
Can I just say I am SO thankful I did!  This is the picture I took as I walked into the house a little late after dinner time.  Everyone had already helped themselves and the dish was almost done. 
Mike said, "What is in that ?  ... it is SO GOOD!"
Mila and Mikey totally ate their share. 
Mabry's comment ... "That was REALLY GOOD!"
However, Makayla did say .... "I like Black Chicken not White." HAHAHA
AND it is 21 Day Fix Approved! Enjoy the recipe and leave me a Comment after you have tested it out =D 
I prepped this during Mikey's nap time and put it in the fridge. Then in the oven at 4:30pm. Prep time was 10 min. Easssssssy Easssssssy!
1½ lbs. Ground Turkey
1 large egg
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
¾ medium green bell pepper, chopped (optional)
1 medium celery stalk, chopped
½ jar of Salsa
1 cup whole-grain bread crumbs
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
Sea salt and ground black pepper (to taste; optional)
1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
2. In a Food Processor Blend: garlic, celery and onion.
3. Combine beef, egg, garlic, onion,(bell pepper if you like) celery, 1/2 jar of Salsa, bread crumbs, mustard, and parsley in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper if desired; mix well with clean hands.
4. Place mixture in casserole dish. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes or until cooked through.
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