Dear Hot Mess Mom,

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Confessions of a Hot Mess Mom!!

Sometimes people say things like, you are a super mom, your incredible or you are just awesome.

TRUTH - I am so 100% normal.

πŸ’œI woke up exhausted.
πŸ’œMy oldest is far from home and has on-going fevers.
πŸ’œI could not find clean school uniforms this AM
πŸ’œI barely made it to car-line
πŸ’œForgot my phone at home

πŸ’œI made it to my Bridge Meet-Up-love those Moms!
πŸ’œI confess my Mini Van smelled like a dirty diaper - it was Boy Socks πŸ™Š
πŸ’œI listened to my PD & Pushed Play at the same time.
πŸ’œI forgot to brush my teeth
πŸ’œI got on the phone with a Super Cool Mom

πŸ’œI didn't drink enough water
πŸ’œI met an amazing New Friend today and she even prayed over ME πŸ™πŸΌ Like WOW God!!

πŸ’œI barely made it into the Post Office to Mail Gifts that should have been sent 1 week ago
πŸ’œThe Doors were locked behind me
πŸ’œMikey had a MAJOR Explosion of poop all over Him all over the ENTIRE family room
πŸ’œAND then all over my leg
πŸ’œI learned you can steam cherry tomatoes

πŸ’œI raised my voice because the kids couldn't hear me
πŸ’œI showered, but 7 hours after my workout
πŸ’œI did not wash my hair
πŸ’œI vacuumed, swept and cleaned the carpet with Pet Cleaner, thank you Jesus it was here.
πŸ’œI've cried today.

So for any Hot Mess Momma's reading this .. I am sending you Love .. a Hug .. Prayers that you rest tonight.

Because YOU are enough and you got this.

YOU are the BEST Mom for your children and in a few years none of this will even matter.

In fact WE will be laughing about it and maybe even sipping on a glass of WineπŸ₯‚πŸ˜šπŸ·because we just do the BEST we can do!!

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