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Vulnerable Post πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£

This is ON my heart .. and has been for some time.

Mike and I completed this booklet as a SINGLE/Non-Married couple when we were engaged and it is a Powerful Bible Study!


If you have heard me talk about this privately YOU know just how POWERFUL!

Created by Relevant Church in Tampa.
All credit goes to Paul Wirth and Susie.

But we did not ever start or complete this as a Married Couple ... Disclosure this is not about having S_E_X every day ... πŸ˜œ ... it is more OPEN that that.

This is about being close, intimate, connected with one another on an emotional need foundation.

It is 30 days long.
It is life changing.
It is Faith and Christ Based.

Would YOU and your Spouse be interested in a Closed Private Group to dive into this challenge together.

On~ Line.
100% FREE ... 100% Awesomness !!!

February is the month of LOVE ♥️πŸ’ͺ🏽♥️πŸ’ͺ🏽

What better time to celebrate your relationship and WHY you two are the best partners for one another.

Could you commit for 30 days .. open to ALL Couples who are married and again FREE πŸ˜

Contact me if you are interested and JOIN SOON .... This Opens on 2/1/17
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I want to share a moment of my life, because I hope it gives just one person courage.

Courage to find your dream, because You were built to last.
I have done almost everything in my life with some sort of FEAR inside of me.
Afraid to jump 4 feet on my Thoroughbred.

Embarrassed to tell him NO, “I am not ready.”

Scared to walk into a high school with my 2 year old daughter .. YES she is mine.

Shaking when I scream to him, you will never EVER hurt ME again.

Anxiety when I pull a second mortgage out of my home to create a NEW smile.

Trembling to stand up during my first Speech Class.

Over-whelmed when I understood I was a codependent.

CRYING while I hold my Girlfriends hand .. telling her I am READY to Coach .. what if I FAIL?

Afraid that I could not take this picture alone.
I have not experienced it all, but I feel like I can relate to many.
Jumping in life is not easy, it is uncomfortable.

I don't share this to persuade you to join my Tribe of women, but I share this to encourage you to write your story, SEE it on paper and MOVE into that story RIGHT NOW.

*STOP telling yourself I am not THAT GIRL.
*STOP telling yourself when the kids go to college.
*STOP telling yourself this is silly.
*STOP telling yourself your not good enough.

You are ready and you are the designer of your own destiny. HE allows you to make it Fun - Beautiful - and worth working really HARD for yourself. I believe 2017 is the opportunity to commit and grow.
IF you remove your excuses and you allow your ANYTHING to take place .. what could happen?
What are you ready for?
Sounds scary it is .. but .. I do believe you will shine.

Let your voice go .. Let your love serve .. let your path be taken.



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WHY not you ? 
When you are spreading something GOOD you have lots of eyes on you.

I want to share something from one of my favorite reads: Anything by Jennie Allen. 

'When you turn your life over to a living God who sees need, who loves desperately, the way he chooses to pour you out will be as unique as the way HE formed you in the womb and placed you in your space on earth. Some of our Anythings feel flashy, and fancy, but MOST of our anythings fall in secret places.'

I love that part . OH . those secret sweet places.
Your not alone .. it is contagious.

If your wondering TODAY .. IS There More .. your not alone .. your voice is Heard .. give it air .. give it LIFE.

This 1 chance on earth that YOU & I have is the crazy wild opportunity to be and create and risk BIG things in life .. I want to be Dreaming and Doing with you.

My Tribe. Team #IfAnything❤️

New Coach University is going to be opening tomorrow ..

It is a New Year .. time for a New YOU .. are you ready ? ? 

I am looking for 5 Women to Mentor in the month of January .. 1 on 1 .. personal growth and building your Beachbody Business. If you would like to be considered please complete this Application below. I can't wait to chat!!


Begin your JOURNEY!

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I was BORED of not seeing results. 

When I joined my FIRST Fitness Challenge 2 years and 3 months ago I was clueless and had no idea what I was signing up for. I was 100% convinced I was wasting my money! I even refused to send my Coach my Good-Bye pictures. 

But, I was tired of the EXCUSES. 

I was completely lost and felt no control over my life, marriage and eating habits .. I remember talking to Mike one day and telling him I was running to Starbucks for the 2ND TIME that day because I could barely keep my eyes open. I remember napping 2-3 hours a day, and still being tired. I had no friends and felt alone in Motherhood. I remember feeling a little "cray - cray" .... I remember the tears.

Then on the 1 OR 2 days a week I could FINALLY squeeze in a run .. I was walking, barely breathing and alone. Then there were those nights where I would just eat off the kids plates .. nibble here and there .. and make a Nice Bowl of Ice Cream .. get in bed .. because hey I was a busy MOM and raising 4 kids at home .. “I deserved this”

TODAY .. This picture is of me Running a 5K in my 2nd Trimester =D

Now I am not claiming that my results are going to be the same results for you.

But I PROMISE you that in my Fitness & Nutrition Challenge groups .. you will have RESULTS!

ou will feel a change, you will see change and I believe you will become STRONGER. 

Everyone has a different journey and I have watched 100’s and 100’s of women transform in a matter of 60 days and I have seen women say GOOD-BYE to 98 pounds in the past year. She is still on her journey.

If you have not joined or committed to a Nutrition and Fitness plan this month .. I would LOVE to talk to you and I would be honored to help you. 2017 is just getting started and this is only Day #3 .. Do not wait, let’s chat .. XOXO Mary

JOIN ME ... Complete my Application below, leave me a comment or send me a Private Message -- 


"I could never do this before"

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Mikey is 2 years old.

During this past week while we were in Anna Maria ... I was cuddling up with my little man after a FUN long day with our family .. post a Nap or 2 ..  πŸ˜‰I do love rest days, and today my body needed to rest.


I love connecting with our TEAM in my PJ's because Coaches can and sharing with them our end of quarter results that are just Absolutely Incredible!!

 IfAnything love your hearts to serve SO MANY!!!

"Diversity creates healthy Tribes ... Find your Tribe, and love them hard!"


Mango Stuffed Peppers

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YUMMY alternative to the beef & rice stuffed peppers!

4 Seedless Peppers; Tops Removed
1 Pound of ground turkey or chicken
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1/2 onion chopped
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1 zucchini chopped
1/2 yellow pepper chopped
1 can diced tomatoes - ANY Kind (do not drain)

**5-6 Drops of LIME Doter'**
Garlic powder to taste
Italian Seasoning to taste
Salt & pepper
1 cup of chopped mango

Brown your meat with olive oil. 
Place all your ingredients (Minus the 4 Seedless Peppers) into the slow cooker and set on Low. 

Once you are 30 minutes from Dinner time Pre-Heat oven to 350'
Cover Peppers with tin foil and bake for 15 minutes 
Remove from the oven and then stuff each pepper.
Return Peppers to oven and Bake at 350' for 15 more minutes. 
(Top with 1 tablespoon of cheese if you would like) 
Pull Out from the oven and add Chopped Mango as a sweet topping. 

Have fun in the kitchen when you make these ... they are so awesome and so JUICY. Do not be afraid ... they are Healthier and filling all at the same time and as a side you could steam up some fresh veggies! Let me know what you think after you try them =) Mary 

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WOOP ~~ WOOP !!!

LADIES this is all about being PLUGGED IN

I am now opening my FIRST Fitness Challenge Group of the Year!!

Beachbody has now released the ALL ACCESS Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack … This is just SUPER - WILD and absolutely incredible!

You are going to have full access to your VIRTUAL on the GO GYM for 365 days from the date of purchase. That means complete access for 2017 .. Every single Beachbody Program Created πŸ™ŒπŸ½ is yours.

PLUS you will automatically receive ANY new releases and this package comes with your Nutrition Guide - New Recipes, Portion Control Containers, a Shaker Cup and a month of Shakeology. I believe that Shakeology truly plays a part in your results πŸ˜ƒ

This is a DEEP Value and I will be your free Coach working with you each and every month! This is a Journey and we work together form the beginning to endπŸ’•

APPLY HERE FOR YOUR All Access PASS into my January VIP Group:
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