Eating Out and Almond Crusted Salmon

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ARE you a Salmon Lover???🐟🐠🐑
Do you ever go out and Really Struggle with good options πŸ™€ yes πŸ™ŒπŸΌ okay ME tooπŸ€”
But I had this salad yesterday from CHEESE Cake and I ate the entire Salad ... It was delicious and the best news I found the recipe online πŸ™†πŸ»πŸ™‹πŸΌπŸ™…πŸΎ and it is pretty clean ---
WIN ~~~ WIN for traveling busy peeps!!

"Almond- Crusted Salmon Salad"

Grab these ingredients the next time you are out ... and try this out is DELICIOUS!!!

2 oz. Canola Oil
4 ea. Salmon Portions (4 oz. ea.)
1/2 tsp. Kosher Salt
1/8 tsp. Black Pepper, ground
10 oz. Kale, sliced
2 oz. Lemon Dressing
2 ea. Avocados, peeled, pitted and cut into 1/2” pieces
8 oz. Quinoa, cooked
4 oz. Brussels Sprouts, sliced 1/8”
2 oz. Arugula
4 oz. Cranberries, dried
1/2 tsp. Kosher Salt
1/8 tsp. Black Pepper, ground
8 oz. Balsamic Vinaigrette*
2 Tbls. Garlic Aioli*
2 oz. Almond Crust
1 oz. Radishes, thinly sliced (24 slices)
Lemon Zest

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When I took this picture .. it made me feel ALIVE and FREE.

2 Things that over this past weekend at the Women's Retreat with Relevant Church I continued to feel over and over again. With all my guards down and with my hands in the air - that was ME, being ME. 

no one could Judge Me .. and I am finally OKAY with that 
I am actually starting to believe that  

MANY of you may have been raised that .. tears are a sign of Weakness or tears are a sign that you are Hurting .. SOMETIMES it is and then sometimes I have to tell you sometimes it is a sign of Freedom.

REAL goodness gracious "FREEDOM"!!! 

I have been dreaming and desiring to work with MORE women who are like minded .. those who can LET GO .. those who WORK REALLY hard .. those who CHOOSE to have Faith and Believe in the un-seen. And I know you are here .. reading this.

I know 100% it is not common.
I know 100% it is hard work.
& KINDA sorta weird, but SUPER rewarding.

But Coaching for me has opened many many doors.

The door of Friendships
The door of Courage
The door of Re-defining MARY
The door of Financial Life Changing Dreams.

It's not JUST about a physical transformation .. YES .. I would argue to say you will find yourself in a Healthier Body with more Energy and feeling more Confident...You Will. But Coaching is about sharing Your Life with others .. it is about becoming a BETTER person from the inside out - > AND totally recognizing that you are not Perfect.

Coaches want to serve others and help them find their WHY 
as the creator of our Family, our Team I want to HELP you connect with your story. 

#IfAnything is about finding MORE in this great big World that we live in and GOING after it. It is about removing all the excuses and distractions and redeeming and rejuvenating your LOVE and your PASSION in Life.

You become your own boss, and you drive your own machine. It is not for Everyone - I get that. But it is for MANY. If you have any desire to be Your Own Boss - surround yourself with uplifting World Changers - then let's CHAT.

I love phone dates, and live dates πŸ˜ƒ but anything is possible and if you are local this Saturday come out .. I will be having a Coffee Chat after the Live Meet-Up. Message ME for details <3

STOP allowing what others THINK about you to stop your RIDE .. this is not about them .. this is about YOU.


*Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill*
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Stroller Moms LIVE Meet-Up Weekly

#JustBetweenMoms🌝Gorgeous morning with these Mommas and Little ones πŸ’– get outside today it is really starting to cool downπŸ™†πŸΌπŸ™…πŸΎπŸ™‹πŸ» ladies you rocked your 5k!!!

Annnnnnnnnd if you want to join us - local ladies COME out & play✌🏽️Weekly meet-ups - Jog/Walk and then little ones PLAYπŸ‘ΆπŸΌπŸ‘ΆπŸΎπŸ‘ΆπŸΏ

Meet ups are every Wednesday and we would LOVE to Meet-You! 

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NO More Mask ... just Mary 
Her I M A G E ... She's got it all.
Life is easy and it will always be easy.
OH, Don't forget she's pretty. 

An image being portrayed is just a veil over Her reality. Moments or seconds of REAL life ... Her authentic life ... 

F A C E B O O K 

Her steps outside the screen in her community, in her home or with those who can touch her ... those who can Feel her. 

That's Her R E A L Image. 

TRUTH, I never wanted to portray perfection, and I never wanted to portray an Intimidation of my authentic realism. 
"I was born and raised in a home with 2 bedrooms and shared between 5 children. YES, that is real. Girls in one room and Boys in the other. Later we turned a Porch ... and it was a beautiful stained wooden Porch ... into a 3rd Bedroom. My Father made this with his OWN Hands.
SADLY I was embarrassed and ashamed of my Home.
Then it was 6 Children sharing those 3 Rooms. Yes, that is real.
Having Sex at 15 years old, Sneaking them In, Yes that was REAL and that was Me. I was lonely, confused and I was TOTALLY Lost." 
Then I re-dedicated my life after Mabry was born .. and my life and my FUTURE ... slowly and I mean very slowly ... Changed. 

I am forever growing, and constantly being challenged and transformed ... I pray at least to become Stronger in my soul and in my One Body and in my one Opportunity to do this "thing" we call
L I F E. 

Not in my own Will, but in HIS.
To be Bold, Yes, I want that!!!!!!
I do❤️

So I hope when you read this, or You see me or watch me ... I Hope I Portray a Woman with no Mask. Just Mary, the woman who SO is not perfect and totally does not have it all together. She is just like You. 

Love Mary❤️
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