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I just SIGNED up and Created a Team for this 5K - It is LOCAL in Lakeland, on September 23rd. PLEASE consider coming out and bringing awareness to SEX Trafficking .. this is REAL ... SHINE a LIGHT for these Girls. We can and will make an IMPACT on this community, in this State and in this Country. 

The Porch Light Ministry is healing lives and you can help in a VERY big way. 
WALK - JOG - RUN ... All are welcome ... KIDS TOO! 
This NIGHT Run is $25 and a SHIRT will be given out and prizes to the Top Runners. 

- > JOIN Our Team ... SEARCH for the team ‪#‎IfAnything‬

πŸ•―Also here are the Dates for the LIVE Meet-Up as promised every other Saturday Morning and probably super early ... 6:30 or 7:30 AM πŸ•―before the kids wake is BEST πŸ˜œ and before it is HOT πŸŒ
Saturday, 8/6
Saturday, 8/20
Saturday, 9/3
Saturday, 9/17
Shine A Light 5K, Night RACE is on Friday, Evening 9/23. WE will GLOW!!!!!!!!
Comment below "Yes ADD Me" if you want to be in the FREE training group for The Shine a Light 5K. The Meet-ups are every other weekend. 
πŸ’‘Sign Up HereπŸ’‘Team ‪#‎IfAnything‬
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