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If you have watched me share my journey you have seen there have been Highs and Lows. I work hard and I believe in my family and I believe in MARY. It wasn't always like that. 
We all are given this life and it is OUR DESTINY to decide where we go and how we go. Even when we decide to live FREE.

Over the last 16 months my Journey as a Coach has changed dearly.
This career choice goes much deeper than a number – so much deeper. 
I pour more into personal development everyday.
I have authentic relationships with REAL Girlfriends heart emoticon
I am closer to my Father and more intimate with my Faith.
I am more confident in my own SKIN.
I believe in DREAMS and actually RUN after them.
I am the Healthiest I have ever been in all my years.
Does happen.
Is a choice.
Is possible.

I am SO excited and EAGER for the next month of March to begin for my TEAM. I am opening up a behind the scenes CHAT tonight @ 8:30 PM/ET.
I will share with you DEEPER details about Coaching - What I do grin emoticon
TIME & Flexibility
My Income … Now Earning MORE than I was in Corporate America.
FREE Vacations (Like my Cruise in 12 Nights)
TEAM Culture 
If you have any doubts that you might be missing an opportunity to do MORE for yourself and for your family .. Jump on this call.
Private Message me or Comment below…Don’t wait 14 months like ME. heart emoticon

**Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located on the Coaches Corner on TeamBeachbody.com for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.
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