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Sex - Girls - Trafficking
Boys too.
It's hard to imagine - right here in Pinellas County, Florida.
I ask that you would take "1 Minute" and LIKE and SHARE "The Porch Light" Facebook Page
Non - Profit Organization.
This is a local ministry in Polk County, FL.
2016 is a New Year. It still is very NEW.
I am dedicating myself to be more involved and be a VOICE for these girls ... not just the Woman I was secretly for the past 2 years .. sharing quietly and politely. Nervous with Anxiety what would people think. I was guilty of thinking more and doing less. But HE pulled on my heart <3 never giving up.

Please help bring awareness to Sex Trafficking.

6,138 PEOPLE have liked this PAGE .. WHY not 10,000 !!!
You will be helping to connect this with more EYES.
You do count, you are enough and You are STRONG.

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COME OUT ~ PARK on the Beach!
1001 Gulf Blvd Clearwater Beach, FL 33767 United States
Saturday 8:15 AM

Join us for a morning WORK-OUT ... in the Sunshine .. On the Beach ... over the Water .. on the Bridge.  

MEET - TALK - ENJOY a kick start to your WEKEEND the right way. 

PiYO ~~~ BUILDING Our Summer Bodies in the WINTER! 
FREE and this is open to friends and family who are local ... Please feel free to comment below ... contact me or Request to be added into the Event Via Facebook. 

I can not wait to see everyone, this is the beginning of MANY empowering women gatherings. 
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